City in Sky by Mu Wei + Sam Cho + Yu Hui
Nearly 40 young students who participated in a three month building project in Wuhan, China had a chance to experiment with living bamboo as a vital construction material. Led by architects Mu Wei, Sam Cho and Yu Hui for Natur Organic Life, the 'City in Sky' workshop was designed to steer the architectural conversation away from concrete and steel, and back towards a more organic approach that dominated Asian architecture for eons.
Nearly 40 young students who participated in a three month building project in Wuhan, China had a chance to experiment with living bamboo as a vital construction material. Led by architects Mu Wei, Sam Cho and Yu Hui for Natur Organic Life, the 'City in Sky' workshop was designed to steer the architectural conversation away from concrete and steel, and back towards a more organic approach that dominated Asian architecture for eons.
Nearly 40 students participated in a three month building workshop in China
The workshop organizers sought to remedy a rigorous and rote educational model deprives many Chinese children of a hands-on relationship with the natural environment, and their parents were able to attend as well. Although the architects were on hand to guide the process, the workshop participants were involved with sketching, modeling and construction.
Via Arch Daily - Images via Li Xiao & Jiang Jiang